Forgiving the Unforgivable: Joseph’s Story

Today is Joseph’s story, a Hebrew who at age 17 was sold into slavery in Egypt by his 10 brothers. Their first plot was to kill him but the oldest brother Ruben persuaded the other 9 brothers to sell Joseph instead. For 13 years he was enslaved and later imprisoned, after being lied on for rape charges by the wife of Potiphor. With two injustices done to Joseph before he was 30, he found the courage to forgive his brothers and the lie that was told on him by a desperate woman. He rose to become Egypt’s second most powerful man, paving the legacy of being seen as Egypt’s first Minister of Finance by the Egyptian people today. And, for preventing his people, the Hebrews from starving to death. Joseph’s story is one of unbelievable triumph.

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Friday Posts k Ally Portee Friday Posts k Ally Portee

Everything You Need To Know About Joseph, the Papa of Jesus

We don’t know too much about Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus. We do know that he was from the tribe of Judah and most Christian denominations agree that he was way older than Mary, somewhere in his 40s when he married 13ish year-old Mary. And, that he most likely had children from another marriage (it is presumed he was a widower) when he married Mary.

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Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee

From the Penthouse, to Prison, Back to the Penthouse and Then Some

Seele editor, Ally Portee sheds light on Joseph in the Old Testament’s journey from the penthouse, to prison and back to the penthouse again. Before Joseph was born, God had a mighty plan for his life, a destiny for him to save his nation (the Israelites) and another nation (Egypt) from starvation. But pride and arrogance in the penthouse let him to prison, and after 13 years of God working in his life, Joseph moved back to the penthouse.

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