Contributors 2021 Oboitshepo Tladi Contributors 2021 Oboitshepo Tladi

Dear Woman

SEELE Contributor Oboitshepo Tladi writes from a prophetic voice of overcoming for the feminine soul. Read this post with your spiritual eyes, to understand in this season, God is propelling His daughters, those who have been in the wilderness of waiting, of being renewed in His Spirit for a long period of time, to a new season of harvest, new relationships, new jobs, marriage, and increase. When you look back you will see how God has prepared you for such a time as this.

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Friday Posts l, Women & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts l, Women & Faith Ally Portee

When Women Give Away Their Power to Men

“Women are the sex that is chased and desired by men, it’s natural for us to relinquish ourselves and our needs with men. When we don’t have a firm footing in our own identity, we can give away ourselves, we give away too much of our power. Sometimes we do it because we never had a guy pursue us so we latch on, or because of daddy issues, or because we’re extremely broken by life, or because we have low self-esteem. But, when we do this with men who aren’t good, who aren’t surrendered to Jesus and walking with Holy Spirit to do life, it’s a very dangerous thing, because as Lizzo points out, “when it’s time they often let us down.”

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Book: Fighting Forward

At the darkest point of a life-altering depression, Hannah Brencher took a silver marker and labeled a composition book "Fight Song." In that little notebook, she poured hope-filled truths and affirmations, knowing that one day, she--and you--would need a reminder to stay in the fight. Drawn from those glow-in-the-dark words, Fighting Forward is your empowering invitation to show up, claim hope, and take back your life one small win at a time.

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Contributors Oboitshepo Tladi Contributors Oboitshepo Tladi

Godly Femininity

SEELE contributor, Oboitshepo Tladi takes a deep dive into Godly femininity looking at three women in the Bible and how their obedience and calling were a part of their Godly femininity.

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Black Lives In The Bible: Zipporah

Continuing with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” we see Zipporah, a Black woman and the wife of Moses. We see through her brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Moses’ siblings), that through a situation they were racist towards her. And we see because of this situation God hates racism, as well as having His decisions challenged by man’s opinion. Racism is not a skin color issue, it’s a heart issue. In looking at the account of Moses’ siblings’ racism towards his wife, we see that the Hebrews were held back from moving forward, until Moses’ sister’s bad heart was sanctified and transformed. Racism doesn’t just hold back the racist, it holds back the subjugated as well.

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Friday Posts j, Women & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts j, Women & Faith Ally Portee

Women of Philippi- Your gifts are Vital to the Cause of Christ

Oftentimes women think that God doesn’t care about their success, or that they don’t have a place- and they feel quarantined into the children or women’s ministries. And this causes them to be concerned about their stewardship to Christ, when their talents aren’t’ being utilized.

This is not a feminist profile of women being better than men, but rather, Seele Magazine Editor, Ally aims to show how God used Paul AND a group of women to establish the first Christian church in Europe.

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