A Sense of Style: What to Wear Whether Working From Home or From the Office
“Having a good sense of style doesn’t mean that you must wear something super dressy or laid-back. You just need to figure out what outfit works best in each situation,” says SEELE contributor Shefali Karani.
Traveling in Style: Be Stylish & Comfy at the Same Time
Shefali Karani shares how it’s possible to be stylish and comfortable at the same time.
The Social Season: How To Politely Decline An Event Invite
SEELE contributor Shefali Karani shares how to politely decline an invitation to an event.
How To Keep Your Earrings Clean and Germ Free
Canadian jewelry brand Sahar BMD shares tips on how to disinfect your precious earrings without ruining it.
Pure Influence and Affluence Comes from God
In this day everyone is a journalist with their blogs, and everyone seems to be an influencer with their social media accounts. Media is allowing up to stay connected and see what our counterparts around the world are doing. In this social media age, it seems as if we’re all trying to exalt ourselves. I’m not anti-social media. There are many positive aspects of it. Nor am I anti influencer or anti- affluence. God has blessed various people with influence and affluence, and has exalted certain people above others…
Good Situations Don’t Mean We’re Doing God’s Will and Vice Versa
Just because we’re in a situation that seems good and that seems ok doesn’t mean it is ok. The Scripture is full of examples where people thought they were ok, despite their unholy living.
There Will be Times You Will Have to Choose
To become a Christian does not mean that life will be easy. Sure, to be a non-Christian doesn’t mean that your life is made in the shade either. This world is broken and no matter our belief, we will all deal with disappointments.