How the Met Gala Serves As Inspiration For Your Wedding Gown
Tips on how to choose the perfect dress
A Marriage that Glorifies God
Unpacking submission and how it was a married couple that showed her a healthier way of living, Hazzy Redgard explains how marriage is the ultimate expression of love
Rolling Away the Stone of Disappointment
Disappointment is a universal experience; we have all faced it at one point or another, some more intensely than others writes SEELE Faith Editor KB Chakela
Dressing for Your Age: Does Age Really Matter When It Comes to What We Wear?
People always say to dress your age but do we really have to? If we’re happy and comfortable, our age shouldn’t define what we should or should not wear.
Overcoming the Struggles of Fasting
Struggling to fast, but you know this is the journey and path the Lord wants you on? You are not alone
A Shift in Perspective: Looking At Easter and Resurrection Sunday From A Different Perspective
SEELE’s faith contributor KB Chakela invites us to embrace a paradigm shift in how we perceive Easter and Resurrection Sunday
Fierce Femininity
Hazzy unpacks what fierce femininity looks like through the actions of Abigail
A Modern-Day Woman: 3 Universal Truths About Being a Woman
Being a modern-day woman is no easy feat. We learn to handle so many different things in our lives whether it’s work or taking care of a baby. But that’s what makes us so special and unique. You should learn to embrace your flaws and love yourself for who you are right now, regardless of your gender
Exploring Self-Love In The Context of God’s Love
In the month of February, when everyone is celebrating Valentines, as a Christian SEELE's Faith Editor, KB Chakela took a moment to pause on what God’s love means to her, and how that allows her to love herself.
Luxury Care: How to Care for a Designer Item
If you recently received a beautiful present this Valentine’s Day, then you probably want to know how to take care of that wonderful item. If you happen to get a designer item, then you should know how to take care of it so that you can get the best use out of it.
Behold I Do A new Thing: Embracing A year Of New Beginnings
Using the promises from the book of Isaiah, KB Chakela unpacks how God has only good plans for our lives
A Luxury Buy: 3 Easy Steps to Buying a Designer Item
Shefali explains why sometimes we have to splurge on ourselves, and by splurge she means luxury.