The Condition of the Human Heart, Part IV- He’s Tender Even When He’s Tough
Most of us don’t like to hear about ourselves from someone else, especially when it’s true- the uncomfortable criticism, the negative character flaws that people can see in us that we often choose to ignore.
The Condition of the Human Heart, Part III- Lip Flappin’
It’s probably one of the easiest commandments to break and I don’t think that we sit and think about the ramifications of lip flappin’ and that it reveals what’s really in our hearts. It shows how we feel the need to puff up or own egos. So what does it mean to bear false witness against another?
The Condition of the Human Heart, Part II- Being Vain About Someone’s Attraction
"The human body reacts to the sight, entertained by the imagination and gives you all kinds of false hints that stolen waters are going to be sweeter. They’re not. They leave you emptier.” Ravi Zacharias
Don’t Let Life Steal Your Joy
We’re human and we have up days and down days where we feel inadequate or that the weight of the world is on our shoulders. People will let us down (we will let people down), our work environment might not be ideal, we might not be in the happiest of relationships, school might be difficult, or we feel we’re in a season where we’re not moving forward in life.
The Condition of the Human Heart- Feeling Offended
"You have the right to feel anything. You have the right to feel offended. But, if we want to walk in fellowship with God, you don’t have the right to be offended." –John Bevere
Clouds Move
“What to do? Should I make a decision? Where should I go? Should I take this offer? .... Oh God, please speak!” We’ve all been there, standing at a crossroads asking God to make clear to us what we should do.
Be Wise in Choosing Him, Be Wise in Choosing Her
It’s a lot of work to raise a child, but a real man will lead his family and raise the seeds he has planted. And, a real woman will lead her home and raise the seeds that have been planted inside of her.
Artisans -> Skills -> and Exodus
The skills and desires we have, God put them in our hearts to glorify Him.
Frogs, Plagues, Surrender and Calloused Hearts
God works through people who have chosen to let their hearts turn hard and turn away from Him. God didn't magically make Pharaoh’s heart hard. Pharaoh had already decided to have a mean heart about not wanting to free the Israelites.
Let Go to Lay Hold
"There is nothing we can do to change the past. Nothing. But, we change the future if we take courage to let go of our past." –Christine Caine
Jacob, His Family Drama + 1 Woman
Every family has problems. And for some, what looks good on the outside is often not the case of what’s going on in the inside. Jacob, one of the Old Testament patriarch's, his family is not exempt from family problems.
Pseudo Relationships, Guys, and Girls
In this 21st century day and age the male and female relationship is different than it was generations ago.
What's In a Mother?
The role of mother is intended to be an image bearer of the invisible God. And secondly, that mother’s have strength of heart that is unique to their sex.
There Will be Times You Will Have to Choose
To become a Christian does not mean that life will be easy. Sure, to be a non-Christian doesn’t mean that your life is made in the shade either. This world is broken and no matter our belief, we will all deal with disappointments.
We’re Not as Good as We Think we Are
Having grown up in the church all my life, and for anyone who has been a part of a church for years, you come across all types of Christians. And the saddest group is what I call the spiritually arrogant.
Boundaries in Attraction
But before writing this post I asked random people- Christian and non- if it’s necessary to have boundaries if one friend likes the other. And both males and females, who were honest and mature said yes. Boundaries will vary from person to person- situation to situation, but they are needed.
The Awesome Gift of Friendship, Part II
I want to slightly expand on the topic of friendship again, but take a slightly different twist on the topic by looking at marriage + if it all goes wrong + the pain that comes from it = the importance of choosing the right friends.