The Condition of the Human Heart, Part III- Lip Flappin’

It’s probably one of the easiest commandments to break and I don’t think that we sit and think about the ramifications of lip flappin’ and that it reveals what’s really in our hearts. It shows how we feel the need to puff up or own egos. So what does it mean to bear false witness against another?

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Friday Posts b, The Heart & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts b, The Heart & Faith Ally Portee

Don’t Let Life Steal Your Joy

We’re human and we have up days and down days where we feel inadequate or that the weight of the world is on our shoulders. People will let us down (we will let people down), our work environment might not be ideal, we might not be in the happiest of relationships, school might be difficult, or we feel we’re in a season where we’re not moving forward in life.

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