10 Years Since High School: What I’ve learned- People, God, Parents and Occupying My Street
...try not to worry too much because it’s always going to be ok. Whatever you run up against in the next 10 years, it will somehow work out.
A Proverbs 31 Woman, Midwives, and Jochebed
"It takes a long time to become a good woman, just like it takes a long time to become a good man. That older woman in your life that you see, admire and that’s oozing with wisdom, well, it took years for her to be that way..."
Have You Ever Wondered Who Footed Jesus’ Ministry Bill?
The Bible specifically notes 3 women who financially supported Jesus's ministry. Read why this is important.
Mary of Nazareth
Her name means stubborn and rebellious. Her occupation was a wife, mother, and homemaker. She was a refugee in Egypt. She was from the tribe of Judah, from the lineage of King David. Her religion was firstly Judaism then later Christianity. She’s referenced in the Gospels and in Acts 1. In the New Testament she only speaks 4 times. Clues about her life are elusive, so scholars must take what they can from Hebrew Scriptures, first century Mediterranean texts, the New Testament, and archaeological digs.
Relationship – You Should Go and Love Yourself
When we’re nit-picking, living in dissension with others, always finding fault with others, or trying to tell others about themselves in an unconstructive way it’s a clear mirror of what’s going on in our hearts.
Dreams Do Come True, but…
Sometimes you have to work really hard for dreams. Or, they might come to pass in a slightly different form than you planned. And sometimes, you gotta go out on a limb, take a risk, and trust that God is with you to bring that dream to pass.
Relationship- Boundaries
A boundary-less life is a life out of control. You’re bad with boundaries when you feel resentful, because you have allowed someone to take too much from you without your having drawn a line somewhere.