What’s In Your Hand?- Family

To whom much is given, much is required, and that includes our families. Last week I wrote about how our relationships- those that breathe life into us and that bless us, i.e. work, romantic, and platonic relationships are gifts from God, placed in our hands for a reason. This week I will talk about family. God is asking, “what are you doing with what’s in your hand when it comes to your parents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren, and cousins?” Why should God bless us with more or take us to new levels when we haven’t mastered nurturing our own flesh and blood?

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What's in Your Hand? - Relationships

To whom much is given, much is required. Human beings can be impatient, ready for the next thing, when God is asking, “what are you doing with what’s in your hand now- with what I have given you?” Why should God bless us with more or take us to new levels when we haven’t mastered nurturing what we have now?

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May Book of the Month- Runaway Bride

Have you ever sat in a church service week after week but went home and continued to live a life outside of Christ? If you have ever felt that way, you're not alone. Heather Lindsey tried to run from God for years as she sat in the pews at church on Sunday Morning. She was running from Christ and into the arms of this world. all of these things on this earth are temporary and our groom is coming back for His bride, so it's vital that you are not distracted by the cares of this world. Join Heather as she challenges you to get prepared to meet our groom face-to-face.

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April Book of the Month- More Than Enchanting

Women have always been central to the life of the church. From the early hours of the first Easter, when women were charged to announce the resurrection of Jesus, to the state of the contemporary church, where women outnumber men in pews and positions of service. The church, and really all of society, suffers with them. Jo Saxton invites women to discover (or rediscover) the gifts and talents that God has vested in us, and more important, the calling he has placed on each of us to seek first the kingdom of God where we are.

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Trust the Bus Driver

Life has many uncertainties- that’s its certainty. But Jesus is certain and because He is certain we can trust when He’s driving the bus. But, in order to trust Him we must surrender. The bus I decided to hop on, it’s driver and I couldn’t both sit in the driver seat. And just like with God, Him and “we” cannot sit in the driver seat of the route He has planned for our lives.

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Country Music in Britain, Why Not?- It Was Sorta Born Here

There were over 50,000 country music fans that enjoyed live performances from the biggest country music stars in the world as well emerging artists from the UK, Europe and North America at the 2017 Country 2 Country Music Festival in London.

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