This Summer Can Be A Perfect Time To Discover Our Local Places

After months of lockdown, many of us probably long to spend time in nature. Seele contributor, Monica Ta unpacks God's hand in creation from the beginning and how He continues to guide natures. Summer is a good time to go out and explore nature, and in the age of COVID, it's an opportunity for us to explore local ecosystems and places. Monica is new to the team and she's passionate about inspiring Christians to love God’s creation and to act to protect it.

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The Story Behind “It Is Well With My Soul”

We have all faced grief of some kind with loss. Horatio Spafford faced unspeakable grief when he lost his son and soon after his four daughters. He was hit with a Job type of situation. Here’s everything you need to know about Horatio “It Is Will With My Soul” hymn and how he found strength to continue with life in the midst of losing all of his children.

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Book: Run The Other Way

Run The Other Way is a story of passion and pain that reminds us of our human frailty and God’s power to redeem us even in the midst of overwhelming odds. In these soul-baring vignettes, Jan Smith takes readers through the emotional chronology of her affair with a married man, giving an intimate and poignant window on the world of a woman whose joy in her professional success was tempered and tainted by her profound and deeply personal struggle.

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Black Lives In The Bible: The Queen of Sheba

Concluding with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” SEELE Editor, Ally points out another intriguing Black woman in the Bible, who’s blood is still running through the veins of Black Jews in Israel today: The Queen of Sheba. We encourage you to sit down to Netflix this weekend and watch the film: The Red Sea Diving Resort, as it shows through suspenseful and action-packed scenes how the state of Israel in the 80s, over a period of several years went into Sudan on secret military missions, called Operation Solomon, to bring its Black Jews, the children of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba back to their homeland- Israel. Today’s Friday Post will help you understand how thousands of Black Jews are residing in Israel today, though they face systemic racism and murder at the hands of Israelis.

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Diversity, Sustainability, Femininity, and Deconstructed Silhouettes Are At The Forefront Of Arab Fashion Week

For it’s 11th fashion week, the Arab Fashion Council has gone digital, from June 24 to 26. LIVE from Dubai, over the course of three days, 10 shows, 11 designers from Asia, Italy and the Middle East, and, the Beyond the Shows panel discussions, which will air live on the Arab Fashion Week website, this is all being done in partnership with Tiktok Arabia.

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Once Again, Maria Grazia Chiuri Will Unleash Her Creative Passion In DIOR's 2021 Cruise Show In Puglia, And Virtually Of Course

Who doesn't love Italy and Puglia at that? DIOR is taking us there for it's 2021 Cruise Show, held on July 22nd for its  audience-free show held behind closed doors. Designed by Creative Director Maria Grazia Chiuri, the collection will highlight the excellence of this invaluable savoir-faire.

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Black Lives In The Bible: Dear Black People

Continuing with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” I had planned to highlight the life of Asenath, the wife of Joseph in the Old Testament. But, the situation going on in the U.S. has me wanting to write a letter to Black people instead. “There are far deeper issues Black Americans need to face than solely the police and White subjugation,” says SEELE Editor, Ally.

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Black Lives In The Bible: Zipporah

Continuing with the series: “Black Lives In The Bible,” we see Zipporah, a Black woman and the wife of Moses. We see through her brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Moses’ siblings), that through a situation they were racist towards her. And we see because of this situation God hates racism, as well as having His decisions challenged by man’s opinion. Racism is not a skin color issue, it’s a heart issue. In looking at the account of Moses’ siblings’ racism towards his wife, we see that the Hebrews were held back from moving forward, until Moses’ sister’s bad heart was sanctified and transformed. Racism doesn’t just hold back the racist, it holds back the subjugated as well.

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