Bible Boss Babe: Deborah Acting Not Hesitating
Last week we looked at Mary from Bethany, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, the one who sat at the feet of Jesus. This week, we’re looking at Bible Boss Babe: Deborah.
Zeina Akkawi, founder of Paz Marketing in Dubai Shares Tips On Communication for International Women’s Day
Zeina shares her story and thoughts on empowering women through Communication, as well as thoughts on how women can be more effective communicators.
Eve and Her Daughters- An Identity Rooted in the Image of God
This is the second Friday in Women’s History Month, where I will point out a significant woman from the Bible: Eve. The Bible doesn’t give us a lot about her, but there is more about her in Scripture than we realize….
Deeqo Shire: ‘Take Action to Eradicate all Forms of FGM’
Deeqo is a representative of Integrate UK. She specializes on issues from female genital mutilation (FGM), to radicalisation, gang culture and countering violent extremism. She has represented Integrate at many significant meetings including meetings with former British Prime Minister David Cameron and the current Prime Minister Theresa May. Deeqo has also spoken at the first FGM conference in Edinburgh.
She shares the importance of bringing to light the importance of FGM.
Mari Skåre, Norway's Ambassador to Afghanistan Talks to Seele
Today is International Women's Day and SEELE chats with Mari Skåre, Norway’s ambassador to Afghanistan. She has been a part of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1991, serving her nation and the world in many capacities.
Eve: A Unique Woman
She is known as the “mother of all who have life." And because of this, she is a part of us and she is unique. Eve was the first woman victim of Satan. He preyed on her for a reason and this weeks post will look at this in slight detail.
Jodie Fox- Doing Everything Before She's Ready
From corporate litigator to co-founder of a multi million dollar company, Jodie Fox opens up about the importance of 'doing everything before you're ready.'
10 Years Since High School: What I’ve learned- People, God, Parents and Occupying My Street
...try not to worry too much because it’s always going to be ok. Whatever you run up against in the next 10 years, it will somehow work out.
A Day for Women: #womensday
A panel of women open up about the importance of International Women's day in Berlin.
Dawn Z. Bournand: A Light in the City of Lights
Paris based American, Dawn Bournand, and Founder of Fabulously Successful opens up about women, gender parity, and the importance of women's networks.
Beyond Definition: A Day for Women
What International Women's day means for the Kyrgyz people.