Picture Perfect: Capturing a Beautiful Photo Each Time
"As women, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others, especially with what the media publishes, including influencers," writes SEELE contributor Shefali Karani. "What you see is not always true," she notes. Shefali shares how to take a beautiful photo every single time without the overthinking.
A Deeper Pursuit With the Lord
Seele Contributor Thomasena Thomas shares how she set a goal to read the Bible in a year. Nothing wrong with that but she then realized that God isn’t just calling her to read the Bible in a year to read it, as it’s a check off her list. But, in drawing close to Him, and slowly reading the Bible with commentary, she’s able to get into alignment with God and what He’s trying to teach her and tell her as she reads the Bible.
Biodiversity, Creation Care, And What We Can Learn From Noah
I opened this year’s column with a bold call to preserve and protect natural spaces. This month, I go deeper into the story of the Great Flood in Genesis 6-8 and discuss its implications for creation care.
Instant Beautification: 3 Beauty Tricks To Transform The Way You Feel Right Now
“We may not have as many opportunities to dress up and put on makeup or what not, but that doesn’t mean we can’t feel good with the way we look like at the moment,” says SEELE contributor Shefali Karani. She shares 3 beauty tricks to transform the way you feel right now.
An Overview Of Climate And Creation Care For This Decade
SEELE contributor, Monica Tang reminds us that we have the opportunity to change our approach to nature so that we live in harmony with the rest of God’s creation. “The Biblical covenant and is crucial for our health and the health of the Earth,” she writes.
New Year. New Beginnings.
SEELE contributor Thomasena Thomas shares: "we must submit our plans, visions, goals, and ideas to God in hopes that what we are pursuing and doing will bring HIM the glory," in this new year.
A Fresh Start: 2 Ways To Be More Fashionable This Year
Seele Contributor Shefali Karani shares two ways that you can be more fashionable than you were the last year, even in the midst of an ongoing pandemic.