All About the Process

One thing I realized about God is that He’s all about process. More often than not, God, thousands of years ago, and God in 2016 is a God of process. Sometimes He does things quickly, like the waving of a wand- abracadabra and POOF- it’s done and fast. But when He decides to mold and make our characters, the things we want can take weeks, months or years.

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Pick Up Your Mat

We all have seasons in our lives where some are more challenging than others, but challenges are meant to increase our faith in God, mature us, strengthen us, and make us wiser. God doesn’t intend for us to stay stuck in a season. He’s the only One that’s meant to stay the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. But we’re meant to morph and grow as He moves us from season to season. However, it is possible that we can stay stuck in a season for far too long, longer than God intended us, if we choose to.

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Friday Posts f, Healing & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts f, Healing & Faith Ally Portee

It’s Actually Being Done for You

There are many moments in life when we will all feel as if the world is against us- losing a job, a break up, someone hurts us, we try to pursue a dream but it doesn’t seems as if we’re making any headway, we get a challenging boss, our church lets us down, family members hurt us, etc. And we all know that life isn’t fair, but often, when it looks like something is being done to us, it’s actually being done for us.

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Reaction to Action- Reaction to Outcomes

Believe it or not, we have as much access to God as we have the faith receive Him. It can be the most challenging thing in life to make time for God. What is your reaction when the Holy Spirit is prompting you to connect with God? Do you seek God or put Him on the lower end of the list of “things to get to later?”


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Reaction to Action- Moving On

When it’s time to move on from a thing God will let you know and confirm it. And sure, God understands your attachment to the old thing. And sure, there might need to be a period of mourning and sulking. But after time has passed, you’ll sense God saying “You have mourned long enough for this thing, and it's time to let it go.”

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Reaction to Action- Reaction to Success, By Tony Alany

We can’t always control what actions we are faced with and that includes success, but we can control our reaction to actions. God is far more interested in our reaction to a situation than we think. Tony Alany, the Pastor of Worship at McLean Bible Church in the U.S., unpacks that in life's successes we Christ is all we need, and how humility should be our response to success. 

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