The Power of a Question: Conversations With Satan – Eve
Through the power of questions, Satan seeks to get us off track by thwarting our thinking that God isn’t Who He says He is. He did this with the first woman, Eve.
Embrace Yourself
In a world where there’s racism, sexism, hatred of another and ignorance, Seele Editor, Ally wants to remind you, remind us on the importance of embracing ourselves with five key tips to remember.
HE’s Waiting On You
How many of us are waiting? Have been waiting for 5, 10, 30 years for something? Now, of course we should always follow God and not move ahead of His voice. But He is not a chauffeur. Looking at a woman from the Bible, Tamar, we see an example of a woman who went after her blessing.
E N V Y- Psalm 73
Envy is that thing that makes you wish you had what other people had, it's that discontentment with what you have. Asaph, the writer of Psalm 73 goes into a testimonial experience of how envy almost wrecked him, until he went into the presence of God to see things with a Godly lens. Envy is destructing and it's key to refocus your mind on God instead of looking at other people. Often what we see in others isn't fully what's there.
If You Follow Him, They Will Follow You
A lot of times we can get caught up in wanting people to follow us- our ideas, blogs, articles, social media accounts, style, etc- says Seele Editor, Ally. But these are all carnal things. I’m not saying people don’t have good ideas or style, but they are still carnal. People are already looking at us and we don’t often realize it because they aren’t telling us. If we follow HIM, then it may lead people to follow HIM as well.
God is Not a Chauffeur
Oftentimes we think that God is a chauffeur, and that it’s His job to drive us around from blessing to blessing. Seele Editor, Ally point out that this is not God’s job. Vision and execution to receive that blessing takes faith, work, the right motive, effort, tenacity, humility, and patience.
Be Still and Know
Most of us know the first part of verse 10 of Psalm 46 by heart: “Be still, and know that I am God.” And we think that means to rest, to have a little R&R in the Lord while we wait for a storm of life to pass. But, that’s not quite correct. Just like all Bible passages, Psalm 46 must be understood in context. In fact, it means something different if you’ve always thought it meant to take a little R&R. Read and find out as Seele editor, Ally shares the meaning of Psalm 46:10.
Eve and Her Daughters- An Identity Rooted in the Image of God
This is the second Friday in Women’s History Month, where I will point out a significant woman from the Bible: Eve. The Bible doesn’t give us a lot about her, but there is more about her in Scripture than we realize….
Women of Philippi- Your gifts are Vital to the Cause of Christ
Oftentimes women think that God doesn’t care about their success, or that they don’t have a place- and they feel quarantined into the children or women’s ministries. And this causes them to be concerned about their stewardship to Christ, when their talents aren’t’ being utilized.
This is not a feminist profile of women being better than men, but rather, Seele Magazine Editor, Ally aims to show how God used Paul AND a group of women to establish the first Christian church in Europe.
Don’t Just Be a Good King, Destroy the Idols
The kings of Israel and Judah were a mixture of good and bad kings. Bad, meaning that they did evil things and strayed away from God. One mark of a good king is that he would hold the kingdom to accountability when it came to what his people worshiped. Quite simply, he got rid of idols- foreign altars and pagan shrines. Our God takes an invested interested in our lives, and he only wants us serving him because there is a freedom and joy when as Paul states, we are only a “bondservant” to Christ. So, if you have an idol in your life (an addiction, a bad habit, an activity that consumes you- any sin) make a concerted effort to lay it at the foot of the cross and be free from it.
The Ingredients for A Miracle Are Always in Our Possession
We’ve all been there, where we’ve come to the end of our rope and the clock has struck 12 midnight and we need a miracle. That could be a financial miracle, a job, physical healing, a place to live that’s in your budget, or a spiritual breakthrough.
But, in the midst of you really needing a miracle, have you ever thought that you already have the miracle you’re needing in your possession? While it’s God Who opens doors in our lives and brings breakthrough/miracles, He is often looking for us to have faith, prayer, hope and gusto. When we do our part, He will step in and do what we cannot.
How to Deal with the Unloving and Unkind
We’ve all come across Bible verses about showing love and kindness to the unloving and the unkind. But, what do you do with these verses when someone in your life exhibiting unkindness towards you? It’s hard to show them kindness, it’s hard to show the love of Christ. Seele’s editor shares how to deal with the unloving and unkind.
Positioning Yourself to be Ready
Our skills, talents, knowledge are not a waste. They’re all things that God can use so when you gain a new piece of knowledge, you are actually positioning yourself to be used by God. Today’s Friday Post is inspired by a chat we had with Zealand band leader, Phil Joel.
2019 + Prayer
We know from verses like James 5:16 that fervent prayer is powerful when it’s coming from a righteous person. And we know that prayer changes things. Sometimes we fall short in our prayer life. But, if we only knew how powerful and impactful prayer is, we’d never miss a day of it.
Our Early 20s Concept of “Calling” is a Prison
I feel that the word “calling” is a word that gets bounced around in evangelical churches a lot. It’s a word that we get hit with time and time again when we look at interviews of those we look up to. I’ve even asked people in interviews, “how did you know you were called to be a singer, actor, etc?” But maybe you and I have been thinking about “calling” differently that doesn’t align with the Heavenly view of “calling.”
God Always Provides
If God has called you to do something in life- move to a new city, start an initiative, become a freelancer, take a class- whatever it is, it is His responsibility to provide for you. Seele editor, Ally paints a picture on God always providing.
If You Listen, He’ll Tell You Where to Be
“Oh God, where do you want me to be? What do you want me to do?” We’ve all prayed prayers like this. Have you ever felt like you don’t know where to be and what to do? In these seasons we feel lost, and we may feel like God isn’t speaking…