Crossing the Pond- British Duo, The Shires, Guilty of Taking Country Music By Storm

Five years since they were discovered playing a gig in a Bedfordshire pub, Ben Earle and Crissie Rhodes are now raising the bar in Nashville. The British Country Music duo are making waves in music and have just released a new album and will be in tour this year. They open up about their music journey from the struggles to where they are now.

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When Everything or Everyone that Challenges You Isn’t Removed

The Israelites from the time of their exit from Egypt to the death of Joshua knew oppression, they knew warfare, but, they also knew the importance of trusting and obeying God. God allowed other nations of people to live among the Israelites in the Promise Land. He didn’t wipe these various nations all out for 2 reasons: 1- So that that generation of Israelites would know how to fight… 2- To test them, to see if they would be obedient to Him. This week we’ll look at reason 1 and next week we’ll look at reason 2.

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Eric Saunders Opens Up About Being A Pastor, Grief, His Soon-to-Be Son Who Will be Born With Physical Complications- and Why Abortion is Not an Option

Eric is the Arlington campus pastor of McLean Bible Church in Arlington, Virginia. He opens up about how the past two years have been some of the most challenging years. He is pushing through the loss of his father and his soon-to-be unborn son, Roman, who will have a major health disability. Eric shares how his faith in God is strengthening and why abortion isn't an option.

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Turkish Film Promoter, Pia Ercan Talks Her Latest Film, "Ayla: Daughter of War"

Pia is a movie director and movie promoter. Originally from Turkey, Pia has been behind some of Turkey's well known movies. Her most recent one, "Ayla, Daughter of War," a film set during the Korean War, detailing the life of a Turkish soldier who took care of a young Korean girl when he was stationed in Korea. Pia opens up about this moving and inspiring movie.

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“Paul, Apostle of Christ” Director, Andrew Hyatt Talks to Seele

Andrew is an award-winning writer and director he has a new movie out that has been in theaters for two weeks already, “Paul, Apostle of Christ.” The movie was made on a shoestring budget of $5 million. Andrew is passionate about God, and he has done well in combing his two passions: storytelling in film and God. He sat down with Seele Magazine to discuss his new movie about the Apostle Paul, as well has his background story.

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Getting Out of a Slave Mentality

The life and journey of Moses is extremely fascinating. There is no denying that God’s hand was on his life. There’s so much to learn from the life of Moses, especially when it comes to leadership principles. But today Seele will focus on the topic: getting out of a slave mentality, specifically when you’re put in an environment you weren’t born into.

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How should you be saving in your twenties and thirties?

Your twenties and thirties can be quite a whirlwind. So much in your life is changing, and rapidly and it’s easy for your financial health to take a backseat to other more immediate or exciting decisions. Financial advisor, entrepreneur, speaker, author and mother, Emily G. Stroud gives insight on how to think about saving in your 20s and 30s.

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Ayla Gala in Washington, DC, Sparks Emotion and Touches the Heart

Last night, the Yunus Emre Enstitüsü in Washington, D.C. and the Institute of Technology, Economics and Diplomacy (INTED) hosted a gala for the Screening of the movie “Ayla: Daughter of War.” The movie was the Turkish official candidate for the best Foreign Language Film entry in the Oscars 2017, and depicts the scary face of the Korean War and tells the story of a Korean orphan, Ayla, and a Turkish solider, Sergeant Ismail Süleyman.

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Have you ever had to make a decision about a situation where you knew either the final outcome would be successful or a failure?  You weighed the pros and cons of your decision, but you knew if no one stepped up to the plate in doing what needed to be done, you would be the one to carry out the plan.  But, in your heart you knew if the plan failed, you would have to live with the consequences, and knew you did your best. Seele Contributor, Cassandra Portee introduces a woman from long ago who did just this, Jehosheba.

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