Your Salt And Your Light Are More Powerful Than You Think
"I’ve really been aware the past two weeks of how much salt and light matter to those around us," says SEELE editor Ally. "It often may feel and seem that those around us aren’t seeing our faith or getting enough of Jesus. But, they are, even though we may not realize it.
Praise is the Antidote to S.T.R.E.S.S
Christians know that the word stress shouldn’t be in our vocabulary. But, what do we do in those situations in life where anxiety and stress are running at us with full force and they seem to catch us? There’s only so much a human can take in trying to center one’s mind on Scripture but stress seems to still ensue. Seele editor, Ally offers some thoughts.
Putting It on the Table
Seele's editor points out that it’s so easy for us to put our brokenness, our baggage, and our issues on the table. In order to be transformed to the likeness of Jesus, there will be moments where God will back a person into a corner, so to say, in hopes that the person will put their brokenness, their baggage, and their issues on the table to be sorted. Happy Friday!
On Trial- Fruit of the Spirit
If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? We can get so consumed with the deeper questions of our faith or simply get too busy to think about this question, and forget the basics of whether we're actually living and looking like a Christian. This week I will look at the topic of Fruit of the Spirit. If you were on trial for being a Christian, would the evidence show that the Fruit of the Spirit are overflowing and spilling out of you?
God as the Holy Spirit
Each Person of the Godhead has His own unique role. And in Jesus’ prayer in John 17 we see the glory of all parts of the Godhead. There are places in the Bible where God describes Himself in motherly terms.
His Triune Glory
In John 17 we are reminded that Jesus prayed for us right before His unfair trial and crucifixion. In fact, He prayed for Himself, His disciples, and for all believers to come. For the next three weeks I want to cover our triune God in relation to earthly relationships.
His Presence
God speaks to us continually, and it’s easy to lose sight of that in busyness of everyday life. It’s His nature to communicate with us, and it’s not always through words.
Artisans -> Skills -> and Exodus
The skills and desires we have, God put them in our hearts to glorify Him.