Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee


I’ve been there and you’ve been there. Someone you know and care for (a friend or family member) is in a conflict with someone else, and you so badly want to intervene. You want to come to the aid of the person you care for by explaining to the person they’re in conflict with where they may be at fault or where they may be misunderstanding your friend.

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Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee

“It’s” Over and You Don’t Even Know It

You know how sometimes in life we can get involved in something or with someone that we know we shouldn’t be getting involved with? Often the things we get involved in are over before we even know it. We may not know it early on, or may not want to see “it” for what “it” really is, but others can see that the “it” in our lives is over before we see it.

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Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee

Samson's Hair

I’ve always found the story of Samson intriguing, but I must admit, I’ve always had a hard time fully understanding its significance. We all know that Samson was a strong guy and judge for Israel, that his strength came from his hair, and that he died defeating the Philistines. But, what does all that really mean and why should we care?

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Lifestyle & Faith 2, Friday Posts i Ally Portee Lifestyle & Faith 2, Friday Posts i Ally Portee

Praise is the Antidote to S.T.R.E.S.S

Christians know that the word stress shouldn’t be in our vocabulary. But, what do we do in those situations in life where anxiety and stress are running at us with full force and they seem to catch us? There’s only so much a human can take in trying to center one’s mind on Scripture but stress seems to still ensue. Seele editor, Ally offers some thoughts.

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Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee

From the Penthouse, to Prison, Back to the Penthouse and Then Some

Seele editor, Ally Portee sheds light on Joseph in the Old Testament’s journey from the penthouse, to prison and back to the penthouse again. Before Joseph was born, God had a mighty plan for his life, a destiny for him to save his nation (the Israelites) and another nation (Egypt) from starvation. But pride and arrogance in the penthouse let him to prison, and after 13 years of God working in his life, Joseph moved back to the penthouse.

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Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Analysis & Faith Ally Portee

Putting It on the Table

Seele's editor points out that it’s so easy for us to put our brokenness, our baggage, and our issues on the table. In order to be transformed to the likeness of Jesus, there will be moments where God will back a person into a corner, so to say, in hopes that the person will put their brokenness, their baggage, and their issues on the table to be sorted. Happy Friday!

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Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee

Putting Ourselves to the Test

Seele's editor points out that it’s so easy for us to think that we are good Christians because we tithe, bring a dish to the church picnic, volunteer, donate a coat to the homeless coat drive, sing in the choir and so on. And yes, these things are important to God because they are an expression/ a path of love, of the love that lives in us and the love that went to the cross 2,000 years ago. But, we must put ourselves to the test and see if we really know Jesus.

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Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee Friday Posts i, Lifestyle & Faith 2 Ally Portee

A Stair but Not the Whole Staircase

How do you know when to make a move? When to take that step and just do “it,” whatever “it” happens to be? It can be hard to know when to do “it,” especially when you’re trying to discern God’s will if He indeed wants you to do “it.” God will often show you a stair, to reassure you to move towards "it," but He may not show you the whole staircase. To take the stair is trust Him, even though you can't see the whole staircase.

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