Eve, the Completion of Relationship

Seele Editor-In-Chief, Ally Portee continues with the month of Eve. March is the month of Eve, a month where Seele is looking at the first woman from 6 angles, over a period of 6 weeks. This week we will look at “Eve, the Completion of Relationship.” God is relationship, He is about relationships, and He created us to be in relationship. He created us to share in a relationship with Him, to not be independent, but dependent, in the sense that relationship (what He is with Himself) would play out in the lives of humans. 

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Deeqo Shire: ‘Take Action to Eradicate all Forms of FGM’

Deeqo is a representative of Integrate UK. She specializes on issues from female genital mutilation (FGM), to radicalisation, gang culture and countering violent extremism. She has represented Integrate at many significant meetings including meetings with former British Prime Minister David Cameron and the current Prime Minister Theresa May. Deeqo has also spoken at the first FGM conference in Edinburgh.

She shares the importance of bringing to light the importance of FGM. 

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Eve, the Strength and Power to Her Husband

It’s interesting that God didn’t bring Eve into Adam’s life until he was lonely and ready or it. When a man is ready for commitment and to love a woman, that’s when he will appreciate her. Before he’s ready, it’s most likely pointless to hope that he will commit to you. Women must understand this and not chase men who aren’t ready for commitment. Let a man chase you, not the other way round. 

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Tow the Line

Straddling the line of the world and Kingdom-living are two very different lifestyles. To straddle the line is to be lukewarm and when reading Revelations 3:16 we see that “because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” These are harsh words that reveal the heart of God as to how much He wants us to live as true witnesses.

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Tessy de Nassau Talks Luxembourg, Being a Veteran, Faith & Activism

Tessy de Nassau is a modern woman, who is not like most of us, but then again she is. She married into the Luxembourg royal family and held a royal title, but she’s still the same person with a heart for people. And as she transitions into the season of life she’s in now, she finds herself busy, like most women, balancing her family and work responsibilities. A mother of two boys, an army veteran, and an activist, Tessy brings attention to various issues near and dear to her heart.

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