How’s Your Soul?- Family

Continuing with the series, "How’s Your Soul?," I want to talk about family. While families have their problems a family is only as strong and good as the people in it. In order to be a good child, parent, cousin, nephew, grandchild, or uncle you have to get your soul right. When our souls aren’t right it can affect how we treat those in our families.

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I Am A Recovering Porn Addict

Simone Smith has a passion for spiritual progress and peace, and is clumsily but successfully breaking through the noise and nonsense of this world to promote and engage in the things that really matter. Simone isn't ashamed of her past and mistakes, which include an addiction to pornography. Here she unpacks her struggle with porn in hopes that it might help someone else who may be battling with it.

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How's Your Soul?- Brokeness

2016 may not have been that bad for you personally! But if you care even a little about other people, you will still want an explanation for why the world is such a mess. But more importantly, if you are honest, you will admit you are not the person you want to be. We can all put on a good face. But take off the mask and most of us are hiding character traits and behavior that we are ashamed of and can’t seem to change. So we shouldn’t just ask, “what’s gone wrong with the world? We should ask, “What’s gone wrong with me?” 

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How’s Your Soul?- EGO

This year I’m starting Seele’s Friday post with a series on “How’s Your Soul?” It’s more personal where I will cover Ego, Brokenness, Spiritual Life, Dating & Marriage, Porn, Family, People and Money. When “I” or “self” is supreme in our lives there is no room for God. The only way we can TRULY know God is with humility, and it’s through Him that we will begin to love others as we love ourselves.

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January Book of the Month- Wild At Heart

John and Stasi Eldredge share God's intended purpose when he made women and men in Captivating and Wild at Heart. Every man was once a boy.  And every little boy has dreams, big dreams, dreams of being the hero, of beating the bad guys, of doing daring feats and rescuing the damsel in distress. Every little girl has dreams, too: of being rescued by her prince and swept up into a great adventure, knowing that she is the beauty.


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When All Seems Lost

Katherine & Jay Wolf are survivors and storytellers, advocates and evangelists. In 2008, at the age of 26, Katherine nearly died from a catastrophic brainstem stroke. Her survival and recovery, not to mention that of her marriage and family, have been nothing short of miraculous. Katherine and Jay are in full-time ministry together through HOPE HEALS, leveraging their story to encourage those with broken bodies, broken brains, and broken hearts.

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Some Questions for Amy Orr-Ewing: One of the World’s Leading Apologist

Amy is the EMEA Director for the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and Director of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics (OCCA). Amy is passionate about always having an answer to many of the pressing cultural issues of the day. And she strives to bring her formidable theological knowledge to bear on a wide variety of subjects. 

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Leadership 101- Nehemiah Style: Someone to Uphold You in 2017

Isn’t it interesting how one part of your life can be going so well- i.e. jobs, success, health, finances, free time BUT another part can be struggling or almost nonexistent- i.e. your relationships, your marriage, or your relationship with your kids? We certainly weren’t meant to always stay on the mountain. With Nehemiah as our model, we'll see one practical life application from Scripture that we can use so that we don’t lose our joy, faith and hope in the midst of having one part of your life going well and another part that may not be going so well.

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To Joey, With Love- Movie Review

To Joey, With Love documents the lives of Joey Martin Feek and her husband Rory Feek. Faith. Hope. Love. These three words sum up the film To Joey, With Love. I already knew that To Joey, With Love was going to be a tear-jerker so brace yourselves for the tears that will come when watching this film. And while To Joey, With Love is about faith, hope, and love- it’s also a film about perspective: are you, am I, are we doing all that we can be doing in the time God is giving us?

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