Confront Thyself: EGO

Human nature in its raw form is all about me, me, me and our social media age doesn’t help with this. We’re hungry for likes, showing off our profiles with duck faced lip photos, or of who we’ve met, or what we’re eating. But, we weren’t created to be egotistical and stuck on ourselves, we were created to uplift others and serve others with the skills/gifts and talents God has given us.

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The Good the “Bad,” and the Lovely- Snippets from SS20 Haute Couture Week

Why should you care about haute couture you ask? Because it’s an expression of talent, given by God to fashion designers. The Bible tells us that God, amongst many of His talents, is a fashion designer too. He designed Adam and Eve’s covering in the garden, and Revelation 4 tells us he has a robe, whose train takes up the throne room of Heaven. Paris’ SS20 Haute Couture week is a an expression of design talent from the thousands of hours of bead work, embroidery, cutting, and stitching that an atelier engages in to produce a collection. The SS20 season was dominated by the Lebanese, who are exceptionally talented in couture, and who created the baddest of the baddest pieces.

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So One’s Life Reflects the Man

This week I went to a Celebration of Life service for a dear man we have known for over twenty years. The service was beautiful; rich in God’s hope and love and gave honor to a man of unshakeable faith.  As I sat listening to the eulogies spoken about this extraordinary individual, I remembered Proverbs 27:19 which reads, “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.”

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Giving Back- Why It’s More Important Than Ever to Help Those Around You

In this day and age, we seem so busy with our own problems that we tend to forget to help those around us. It’s nice when our family or friends support us, but we forget to support them back! We need to return the favor and support and give back to those around us. Your little act of kindness may be returned back to you as well in the future

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Confront Thyself: Jealousy

We’ve entered into a new year and a new decade. But, nothing will change in our lives if we go into this new year not confronting the brokenness and negativity from past years and past decades. 365 days from now, you and I will be in the exact same place if we don’t decide to draw a line in the sand, resolving that certain mindsets and behaviors are ungodly and cannot come 2020.

So, for this month, Seele Magazine’s Friday Posts will be a part of a new series titled ‘Confront Thyself,’ with Proverbs 27:19 as our guide, with this idea, as if you’re looking at your heart and your soul in a mirror. Our Editor, Ally will present 5 issue areas that you may be struggling with that are ungodly and can’t come any further into 2020, unless you want a repeat of 2019.

Today, the topic of jealousy is on the table. When we’re jealous of another, we are indeed holding ourselves back from God’s purposes for our callings. Here are a few ways to think about jealousy.  

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Book: Success From the Inside Out

Nona Jones was licensed into ministry at the age of seventeen and was appointed to her first executive role with a Fortune 100 company at the age of twenty-three. But, after building a career and ministry that appeared outwardly successful, the trauma of childhood sexual, physical and emotional abuse left her feeling trapped within the trappings of success. In her highly anticipated memoir Success from the Inside Out, Nona uses her story to share the redeeming power of faith in God so we can all discover a success that fills instead of a success that empties.

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Aakanksha Tangri Shares How to Reset and Find Wellbeing in 2020

Each year around this time, you may find yourself getting anxious because the inevitable questions abound: “What are your New Year’s plans?” “Have you figured out how you’re getting around traffic on New Year’s Eve?”  “Any resolutions?” “How are you going to ensure you stick to them?” Producer, writer, advocate and founder of Re:set, Aakanksha Tangri, shares four ways to enusre wellbeing in 2020 by staying the same old you.

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