Revamp Your Outfit: How to Make an Old Outfit Look New Again

“The New Year is almost here and now is the perfect time to find some festive and sparkly clothing options for the season,” shares SEELE contributor Shefali Karani. “If you’re like me, chances are this year you won’t be buying a new outfit because of the ongoing pandemic.” She shares a few ways you can make an old outfit look new again.

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Why Settle For A Good Man When You Can Have A Godly Man?

SEELE editor, Ally poses the question: “why Settle For A Good Man When You Can Have A Godly Man?” In this day and age when the world is becoming more challenging, we need men who are also half bearers of the image of God to know their identity in their Creator God, to be surrendered to God, to know what it means to walk with Holy Spirit, to be filled with Holy Spirit, and to rely our Triumphant God as he leads his household.

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The Value Of Men

SEELE's newest contributor Oboitshepo Tladi shares that writing an article focused on men and their value was a challenge, but "one I accepted willingly but begrudgingly, only because I realised that this topic, although about men, seemingly placed a mirror in front of me as a woman. The topic made me more aware of myself as a woman and my true feelings towards men..."

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Godly Men- Crumbs Or The Whole Loaf

For today's Friday Post, SEELE’s Editor Ally, shares when you know God and are walking with Him, Son and Holy Spirit you will know your identity and value in HIM. And because of that, you will position your life to be lived from a place of victory, only accepting the whole loaf, not crumbs because crumbs aren’t fulfilling- they don’t satisfy.

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