Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Vows

The month of May is a focus on marriage and what it means from a Biblical standpoint. Last year the theme was “God’s purpose for marriage,” focusing on being in the act of marriage. This year, I want to focus the Friday Posts on having a marriage character before marriage, more specifically, what it means to be a wife or husband before you are a wife and husband. In order to have a thing, we must be the thing before it is truly manifested in our lives.

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Pandemic Style Lessons: The Marriage Of COVID-19 And Fashion

SEELE contributor Shefali Karani shares how fashion has changed immensely, especially as the pandemic has changed- "we wore sweatpants or PJs at home or casual clothing," she stated, "and we started dressing up when virtual events took place, and now we started dressing up even when there was no reason to do so," she points out the tricky relation between fashion and the pandemic- an unexpected marriage.

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Dear Woman

SEELE Contributor Oboitshepo Tladi writes from a prophetic voice of overcoming for the feminine soul. Read this post with your spiritual eyes, to understand in this season, God is propelling His daughters, those who have been in the wilderness of waiting, of being renewed in His Spirit for a long period of time, to a new season of harvest, new relationships, new jobs, marriage, and increase. When you look back you will see how God has prepared you for such a time as this.

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When Women Give Away Their Power to Men

“Women are the sex that is chased and desired by men, it’s natural for us to relinquish ourselves and our needs with men. When we don’t have a firm footing in our own identity, we can give away ourselves, we give away too much of our power. Sometimes we do it because we never had a guy pursue us so we latch on, or because of daddy issues, or because we’re extremely broken by life, or because we have low self-esteem. But, when we do this with men who aren’t good, who aren’t surrendered to Jesus and walking with Holy Spirit to do life, it’s a very dangerous thing, because as Lizzo points out, “when it’s time they often let us down.”

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Why Hannah’s Story of Waiting And Her Lack Of Retaliation Is Key For Us in 2021

Have you ever wanted something so bad you ache for it? And even when you get to the point where you accept not having it, you find yourself to right back at that aching desire of wanting it? Hannah wanted to be a mother and endured ridicule to the point of her mental and physical health being on the line, but instead of retaliating, she turned to the Lord her God. It's a practical life application for us all in 2021 to remember.

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A Deeper Pursuit With the Lord

Seele Contributor Thomasena Thomas shares how she set a goal to read the Bible in a year. Nothing wrong with that but she then realized that God isn’t just calling her to read the Bible in a year to read it, as it’s a check off her list. But, in drawing close to Him, and slowly reading the Bible with commentary, she’s able to get into alignment with God and what He’s trying to teach her and tell her as she reads the Bible.

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