
‘Your Marriage Is Your Inheritance,’ says the Lord

With her poetic language, SEELE contributor Oboitshepo Tladi continues our theme of: “having a marriage character before marriage.” Marriage is a ministry, a calling to shine the light of Jesus to your partner and to those around you. It’s also an inheritance, a blessing, and a walking into new territory of richness from the Lord, to receive all that He has for you and your spouse.

‘Your Marriage Is Your Inheritance,’ says the Lord

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Kindness

Continuing our theme of: “having a marriage character before marriage,” we see that there are things we can get sorted in our singleness before marriage. If kindness is one of the things that men notice in women, then it would behoove single women to be kind before marriage, to be kind to friends, coworkers, family, and strangers.

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Kindness

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: 9 Fruit

In order to have a fulfilling life, the most important decision that any one of us can make is to choose to follow Jesus, and the second most important decision we can ever make in life is who we choose to marry. Continuing our theme of: having a marriage character before marriage, we see and need to understand that it’s imperative to let our triune God work on our issues and our character so that we can be a good husband- or a good wife.

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: 9 Fruit

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Vows

The month of May is a focus on marriage and what it means from a Biblical standpoint. Last year the theme was “God’s purpose for marriage,” focusing on being in the act of marriage. This year, I want to focus the Friday Posts on having a marriage character before marriage, more specifically, what it means to be a wife or husband before you are a wife and husband. In order to have a thing, we must be the thing before it is truly manifested in our lives.

Having A Marriage Character Before Marriage: Vows

God’s Purpose For Marriage- An Example

As we wrap up this month’s theme: “What’s God’s Plan for Marriage,” we have seen that marriage is serious and purposed by God. Today, we see that God purposed marriage to be an example, where those around a Godly couple should be able to see Jesus in their union.

God’s Purpose For Marriage- An Example

What Makes A Good Marriage? – Joe and Vanessa’s Story

Looking at the relationship journey between author, motivational speaker and worship leader Joe Tannous in Beirut, Lebanon and his girlfriend, Vanessa Ghssoub, it seems in the natural that it shouldn’t happen. But with God in the center, you see how His hand guides Kingdom relationships and brings a man and a woman together, for the right partnership, which is for His glory and two peoples’ good.

What Makes A Good Marriage? – Joe and Vanessa’s Story

Ladies, Here Are 9 Ways To Destroy Your Marriage

Continuing with SEELE’s “What’s God’s Purpose for Marriage,” Gareth Noble unpacks and outlines 9 ways for women to destroy their marriage. This is a read you don't want to miss .

Ladies, Here Are 9 Ways To Destroy Your Marriage

God’s Purpose For Marriage- Ezer Kenegdo

When God made Adam and Eve, He made them with unique and distinctive purpose. She came from Adam’s rib, at a time when Adam was ready for a companion. The loneliness of being in the Garden, created a burning desire for him to have a lifetime ezer kenegdo.

God’s Purpose For Marriage- Ezer Kenegdo

What Makes A Good Marriage?- Trevor and Sandra's Story

Continuing with SEELE’s ““What’s God’s Purpose for Marriage,” Zimbabwean couple Trevor and Sandra Weaver say: ‘On the spur of the moment, with the aid of Google, our definition of a good marriage would be a legal or formal union of a high standard between a man and a woman.

What Makes A Good Marriage?- Trevor and Sandra's Story

God’s Purpose for Marriage- And They Shall Become One Flesh

Marriage is a beautiful institution created by God for a man and a woman. “Two shall become one flesh,” what does this mean? When you marry, the two become one flesh. Either person is no longer single and should not be living a single life, but a life with one Spirit, physical intimacy, same goals, and a united mindset for a healthy home. No home is perfect but it should be healthy. Both people should be entering a marriage with 100% (not this 50% stuff) but 100% and whole, this is the mindset, the foundation to build on the unity of a healthy home with a strong vision

God’s Purpose for Marriage- And They Shall Become One Flesh

What Makes A Good Marriage? - Adrian and Rebecca's Story

For the month of May, SEELE will be focusing on the question: "What is God's Purpose for Marriage?" There is only a 50% success rate of marriages, and divorces are more common than ever. Today it's Adrian and Rebecca's story of what makes a good relationship and how God brought them together. In a couple months they will be married.

What Makes A Good Marriage? - Adrian and Rebecca's Story

Looking Back Nine Years Ago To The Wedding of The Duke And Duchess of Cambridge

Yesterday marked the 9th wedding anniversary of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. “I remember that day quite well because the night before I slept outside of Buckingham Palace to watch the members of the British Royal Family head to Westminster Abbey for the wedding,” says SEELE’s editor. Everyone who is married can tell you it’s not easy. It’s joyful and fulfilling but there are many rocky moments. But with words from their wedding homily, and in understanding God’s purpose for marriage, we can indeed have till death do you part marriages.

Looking Back Nine Years Ago To The Wedding of The Duke And Duchess of Cambridge

Book- The One: How to Know and Trust God's Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage

Mark Ballenger shares that God does have a plan for your future marriage and how you can know what that plan is. His book, “The One: How to Know and Trust God's Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage” answers 12 of the most commonly asked questions regarding God's will and Christian relationships. At the end of each chapter, five questions are also included for small group Bible studies or for personal reflection.

Book- The One: How to Know and Trust God's Sovereign Plan for Your Future Marriage

The Grass is Always Greener, Right?

People toss people they don’t think they need, people toss their marriage, companies toss employees, and children don’t always take care of what they’ve been given- why? Because we think these things are expendable and we can always get something or someone better.

The Grass is Always Greener, Right?